
Thursday, December 9, 2010

kisi kisi fisika sbi

---dari rara---
"jo, ni kisi2 fis sbi, udh kuringkes :)

1,2 : determine the max.number of electrons that occupy each atomic shell
3,4 : define the valence electron of an atom
5,6 : identify elements that are belong to alkali metal group
7,8 : determine the periods and group of an element
9,10 : determine the atomic number of an element
11 : describe why proton can't be gained or lost from an atom based on an electrostatic experiment
12 : describe the phenomenon of static electricity and its charge
13 : describe that an object can gain electric charge by being rubbed
14, 15 : determine interaction force between them
16, 17 : determine the magnitude of electric field
18 : explain electric current concept
19 : the resistance of a wire
20, 21 : investigate the relation between electric current and potential different in a circuit
22,23 : value of I based on Kirchoff Law
24 : equivalence resistance in parallel circuit
25,26 : determine the related quantities of electric circuit
27 : mention the part of electric current sources
28,29,30 : determine the highest electrical power from household equipment list

jo, sori bgt aku nggak bsa fotokopiin ini :("

yang belum punya, monggo dibaca :)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

when "he" loved me

When he loved me,
Everything was beautiful
Every hour we spent together lives within my heart
And when he was mad,
I was there to calm his anger
And when he was happy,
So was I
When he loved me

Through the days and the weeks
We had each other, that was all
Just he and I together,
Like it was meant to be

And when he was lonely,
I was there to comfort her
And I knew that he loved me

So the months went by
I stayed the same
But he began to drift away
I was left alone
Still I waited for the day
When he'd say, "I will always love you"

Lonely and forgotten,
I'd never thought he'd look my way
And he smiled at me and held me just like he used to do
Like he loved me
When he loved me

Thursday, September 16, 2010


haluuuhaluuuuu :) sekarang saya sudah berumur 15 tahun.. dan beberapa jam sebelum aku berulang tahun, something happen to me -___________-

first of all : saya dan keluarga saya jalan2 ke amplaz, setelah selesai shopping, kami pun pulang naik taksi. Dan aksi pun dimulai... Tiba2 ada yg menarikku mundur dan mengikatkan penutup mata. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA, aku kaget dan ada yg berbisik, "sssstt! dah diem aja! sampe besok belum boleh dibuka!"

and they are the suspects -_______-

and i think she is the boss. who plan everything behind this scene.. Cynthia w/ my birthday cake

and she is one of the suspect too, my lovely dearest sisthaa ever, Aprilita w/ her grin and also ME!
- dan memang sampai rumah tu kain ga lepas2 dari kepala gue, 30 menit perjalanan melihat dalam kegelapan-

sampai di rumah, ga ngapa2in. Segera aku lepas tu kain, tapi dicegah sama mereka.. Oh God, aku gabisa nntn tv. cuma kyak denger radio doang..

Third: jam 3.30 am , i am still sleeping

pose jelek, hoax

and next a couples minutes.....MORNING SURRPRIZEEE!!!

- am i look creepy there? oh god-

dan semua bernyanyi happy birthdaaaay :) aaaaaa, i love my family soo muuuch :*

and this is the cake (fruit cake more exactly)

and the laast, but not least

HAPPY BDAY 15TH TO ZOEYS......white looveee :)

Friday, August 27, 2010


hmm . hmmm . hmmmmmmm. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

-that piercing sound fill my ear with lot of doubt-
yaaa, hari ini adalah hari yang BAGUS buat aku. mungin yang tau tentang ini dari awal sampe akhir cuma si Rizka, yg waktu itu ada disitu disaat aku bereaksi meliahat sesosok lelaki putih, berbadan besar kayak beruang kutub dan bermotor KLX wrna hijau yg udah dimodif tiba tiba datang memasuki halaman sekolahku. dalam hati ga percaya, " masa itu dia?" sudah berharap kalau itu memang iya. tapi memang namanya takdir, susah buat ditentuin.ckck . alhasil, ternyata hanya sama motor, sama postur.tapi, skalipun bukan dia, tetep aja mengingatkan. aih, ngenes gilaak denger suara motornya.

buat Rizka, maaf karena telah "nggremet" tanganmu berkalikali :D

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

just for tonight

this night, makes me so sick and so tired of thinking about him. yaa, i know this is about my lability after all. But, in the case like this there's a thousand good reason for thinking about him tonight.

on the night like this, i was thinking that:
- he was irreplaceable
- he was amazing
- there's no chance for me to get him
- being desperado senorita was sucks
- all i want to do just be with him (again)
- i can spin the time counterclockwise
- i can't stand out without him
- i want he to stay beside me
- it's amazing if this heart could be reunited
- there's nobody can't stop me love him
- i can't explain this feeling with words
- i am so tired of tears
- i am not done wishing him was here
- it's been months, and i can't let you go
- for some reason, i can't get over us
- i am not regret what I've done with him
- back to the past, feeling tears inside my heart
- forgetting him, the hardest thing that i ever try
- hoping him back again, the useless thing i ever made
- aargh, too much about him

enough is enough. no more walking around with my head down. i am so over being blue, crying on him this night. hope tomorrow this lability will vanishing it self :D

"every single moment in my life reminds me of you and makes me know how precious you are"

Sunday, August 15, 2010

3 months ago :)

" Don't you know baby, that this feeling keeps me waiting like you'll come back to me"

After 3 months from that day, it's hard to believe that i still have love on you. Even it less than before... But, to be with you it's the best damn thing ever. there's nobody gettin' over you. There's a chance to you to be refilled, but i grant there's no chance to you to be replaced. fell in love with you not makes me feel disappointed. Wish i could spin my world into reverse, just to have you back again.
hey boy, don't you know? knowing your heart, makes me feel so in love :) and be with you, makes me feel safe an warm. and your presence always makes me wanting you more and more.But now, i have to release "this" you. With all my heart, i said this LOUDLY : why suddenly i do miss him so much, even both of us had already end our realtionship long loooong time ago?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

1 year ago, maybe more pt.1

same as the label, this post is dedicated to you (especially) and also one of my story too

so, this is the beginning :)
Once upon a time, there's a teenage girl who fell in love with her friend, also a teenager (and a boy, of course!). They were one school, and on the same grade too. So, it's possible to them to meet often. And one day, they met for the first time. Some event reconcile them, and that was unpredictable for two of them. They feel some chemistry between them. but they don't know that they loving each other.
Day on day, month on month. They spend their day with normal activity as a student. But, because of the same school and the same grade, they have a lot of activities that should do together. And, once again, they haven't already yet about loving each other. Until someday, that boy screwed up one's courage to ask that girl about their feeling over this time.

boy : hey
girl : oh hey
boy : umm, i wanna ask you for something, do you mind?
girl : oh sure! what can i do?
boy : no offense... you like me, rite! Do you?
girl : what? what do you mean?
boy : naaaa, don't lie to me. or i'll offline
girl : what! noooo!
boy : eh, be honest girl! i know your feeling
girl : noo, i mean don't leave me. do not offline :(
boy : :D
girl : why you grinning at me like that? it's not funny
boy : confess it!!!
girl : err, i hate this conversation
boy : confess, confess, confess
girl : NO WAY!
boy : okay, then i going to offline... bye :P
girl : okay okay okay. i confess to you that i like you since that event
boy : hahahhahahaa, gotcha!
girl : what? you set me with this conversation? how dare you
boy : i am sorry to say this, but i don't want be your boyfriend
girl : who ask you to be? you're swollen-headed!
boy : nobody, but i know you want it. but have you know, that i like you too :D
girl : but i ..
boy : let's we build this relationship as a friendship
girl : but i don't... ah, it's up to you

next day after that conversation, they getting closer, closer, and more closer.. but the girl doesn't know what's the meaning of "like" from the boy. Cause the boy doesn't take any step to go forward . . . Finally, that girl realize that "like" means something.

-to be continue- :D

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

song? (3rd)

Holding my hands

Say the sweetest thing

you stay beside me

And i think it just a dream

You say its not a dream

Now prove it 'till i believe

So you give me a kiss

And suddenly i know it was real

When you told me you're in love with me

I know it was real and i believe it.

when you told me you're not mine anymore

I know it just dream and i need to wake up

You try to not believe

and ran from this situation.

but, all you've got just the unsure thing. And a lot of misery.

Need you here,need you now. To convince me with your smile

songs? (again)

You are the guy that i thinking about

You are the guy that i adore about

You are the guy that i loving about

Because you are all about me

Because you are my everything

Everytime i see you there

Make me wants to run into

Run into you...

Holding you, stay together with

All 'bout you, cant stop think about you

Monday, June 21, 2010


Bersahabat itu menyakitkan. Di saat sahabatmu merasakan sakit, kamu pun pasti begitu kan? malah mungkin bisa merasakan lebih sakit dari sahabatmu sendiri

Bersahabat itu juga menyedihkan. Karena melihat sahabatmu sendiri duduk merenung saja kamu juga sudah merasakan kesedihannya. Apalagi kalau sahabatmu itu menceritakan kesedihannya padamu. Pasti kamu semakin terhanyut, lebih terhanyut dari sahabatmu.

Bersahabat pun dapat membuatmu berpikir lebih jernih. Karena kamu akan berpikir sesuatu yang positif, untuk memberikan sugesti terhadap sahabatmu yang sedang membutuhkan nasihat dari sahabatnya.

bersahabat, membuat dirimu menjadi lebih tahu bahwa banyak orang yang merasakan jauh lebih banyak manis pahitnya dunia ini dan kamu pun ikut berperan di dalamnya

Sunday, June 20, 2010

DAD? (my)

the previous post was taken from other site.
now, I'll take my time to introduce to you all, my father :)

Maybe he's not like the other father as usual, he has some EXTRAORDINARY CHARACTERISTIC.

first of all, cannot accept all suggestion from other people (include his own family)
second, temperamental (so regretful)
third, always do what he want to do
fourth, never want to be a "servant"
fifth, big ego!!!!
sixth, jealousy with anything
seventh, anything must be perfecto!
eight, full of sarcasm
ninth, he always get what he want, no matter what to do(include violence)
tenth, laziest person in my family

But, even he got that EXTRAORDINARY shit, he always get a way to make my family (especially me) be proud of him again... that's the reason why i cant hate you,paps :)

love you .

best regards,
yours :)


what makes a dad?

GOD took the strength of a mountain
The majesty of a tree
The warmth of a summer sun
The calm of quiet sea
The generous soul of nature
The comforting arm of night
The wisdom of the ages
The power of eagle's flight
The joy of a morning in spring
The faith of a mustard seed
The patience of eternity
The depth of family need
Then GOD combined these qualities
When there was nothing more to add
He knew his masterpiece was complete
And so
He called it DAD
happy father's day :)

my (other) boy

Feeling pain .

Inside my heart .

Knowing you with her ..

first, i didn't feel it .

Now, you with me

. You give me some way to go through to ur heart .

And you promise me to not close that way, but now, what are you doing?

You aren't just close it, but you just tore my heart too ...

And right now, i just can ask, why you did this to me ?

long time no see, now you just come to my life (again)

but so sorry, i am insensible now.

just let it flow, boy :)

from megabrilianti (copypaste)

buat @annoyingzoe & @rizkadndr

All I wanted from the start was to be with you. God knows how much you meant to me, not only as a friend, but with deeper, greater feelings as well.

As you know me by now, this is a way for me to pour my heart out to you, to let you know it's crying and dying because you're gone.

You brought back the light into my life when all I could see was darkness, you brought back the smile to my face when all I could do was frown, but most important, you brought back the love and trust that I had lost for people and you brought it back twice as much for me to give to you than I had previously given before. We shared plenty of moments where we opened up to each other and shared our secrets, our feelings of happiness, sadness, sometimes anger and intimacy. And, we promised each other that no matter what, we would be together because fate had brought us to do so. But now you have decided that it's not what you longer want.

How can this be? Why now? Why now when my heart fully belonged to you? Why now when I was ready to be with you? Why now wehn I have fallen in love with you?

I find my fate has turned out so cruel; my fate is twisted, always getting my hopes up just to bring them back down again, but each time the pain comes back it's stronger and longer.

Why did you do this to me, when you knew I would have done anything for you, when you knew that all my dreams, wishes and hopes surrounded you, when you knew that not having you in my life would instantly kill my heart? I'm all shattered and everything I see is blue. But I know I can't change your mind and more importantly, I can't change what you feel in your heart, so all I can ask you is, why?

Missing you every single moment,

maaf buat mega, karena aku suka sama ni posting, jadinya aku copypaste, maaf ya meeg :(, but i love it!!!


crying without tears.

Screaming without voices.

I've confessed to this world, that you're my last stop.

Laughing without smile,

breathing without air,

that's the way I've felt if i ain't got you.

Time after time, now i know

That you are the only thing i want

That you are the only thing i need

Time past away, now you're mine

now i can take my breath away

Now i can smiling with big grin

my (ex) boy

Brave responsibility good looking good attitude lover care honest big tall bright guarding protect funny loyal friendly LOL

my love,my hope,my star,my idol, my big brother ,my role model,my everything

060610 -Speechless. Knowing the truth. Hah! Laughing. You've be with her. Crying. i've been untagged in your heart anymore

050610 God, even he's not mine anymore, i still loving him like in the past. Even he's not put attention anymore to me, i still pray to You for all the goodness that you have for him. Please listen to me this time, God. Give him the better lover to make he smile even You know that i'll cry when i see his smile

120610 - when he was love me, everything was beautiful. Everytime i look into him, all pain was vanished.

180610 - knowing the truth that you was no longer inlove with me. When i was with you, i thought you really with me. I was count on you, but with this thing, god forsake, holly molly. You've got me down. Seriously!

1039 pm - its hard to believe when your crush doesn't fell in love with you with all his heart from the beginning. You try to not believe and ran from this situation. but, all you've got just the unsure thing. And a lot of misery. in your life, a lot of fake happen, but just this lil' damn thing that can make your heart broken into pieces. You try to make this situation better, but all you've got just regrettable thing. No chance for you to make this better, no hope for you to make this just like in your dream.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Friday, February 26, 2010

Janjiku Padanya

"mom, adek yakin ibu bakal dapat surga. adek janji deh!"

kata-kata itu, langsung saja terlontar dari mulutku. karena aku baru saja mendengar sedikit curcol dari ibuku. aku heran dengan ibuku. beliau sangatlah hebat, tak peduli dengan apapun. beliau akan selalu melindungi anaknya. yaa, seperti layaknya seorang orang tua. namun, banyak hal yang tidak aku rasakan sama dengan orang tua yang lain. ada sesuatu yang sangat spesial dari dirinya. kesabaran. kesabarannya sangatlah membuatku kagum.

"mom, akan kupertanggung jawabkan kata-kataku tadi, aku janji."

memang pantas, jikalau surga dikatakan ada di telapak kaki ibu...

i love you mom :')