
Thursday, September 16, 2010


haluuuhaluuuuu :) sekarang saya sudah berumur 15 tahun.. dan beberapa jam sebelum aku berulang tahun, something happen to me -___________-

first of all : saya dan keluarga saya jalan2 ke amplaz, setelah selesai shopping, kami pun pulang naik taksi. Dan aksi pun dimulai... Tiba2 ada yg menarikku mundur dan mengikatkan penutup mata. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA, aku kaget dan ada yg berbisik, "sssstt! dah diem aja! sampe besok belum boleh dibuka!"

and they are the suspects -_______-

and i think she is the boss. who plan everything behind this scene.. Cynthia w/ my birthday cake

and she is one of the suspect too, my lovely dearest sisthaa ever, Aprilita w/ her grin and also ME!
- dan memang sampai rumah tu kain ga lepas2 dari kepala gue, 30 menit perjalanan melihat dalam kegelapan-

sampai di rumah, ga ngapa2in. Segera aku lepas tu kain, tapi dicegah sama mereka.. Oh God, aku gabisa nntn tv. cuma kyak denger radio doang..

Third: jam 3.30 am , i am still sleeping

pose jelek, hoax

and next a couples minutes.....MORNING SURRPRIZEEE!!!

- am i look creepy there? oh god-

dan semua bernyanyi happy birthdaaaay :) aaaaaa, i love my family soo muuuch :*

and this is the cake (fruit cake more exactly)

and the laast, but not least

HAPPY BDAY 15TH TO ZOEYS......white looveee :)